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信号与系统 第二版 上册 期末试卷及答案 (郑群里)

信号与系统 第二版 上册 期末试卷及答案 (郑群里) - 封面


书名:信号与系统 第2版 上册
作者:郑君里 应启珩 杨为理


重庆大学 信号与系统 课程试卷juan 2006 ~2007 学 年 第 1 学期 开课学院: 通信工程 课程号:16000735 考试日期:July 3, 2007 考试时间: 120 分钟 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总 分 得 分 1. A continuous-time signal is given as follows. (1) Plot the waveform of the given signal. (5 points) (2) Plot the waveform of the signal . (5 points) (3) Assuming that a new signal , can you plot the waveform of ? (5 points) 2. The input-output relation of a continuous-time system is given by Answer the following questions for the system: (1) Is it a linear system? Why? (4 points) (2) Is it a time-invariant system? Why? (4 points) (3) Is it a causal system? Why? (3 points) (4) Is the system stable? Why? (4 points) 3. A linear time-invariant system is described by the following differential equation. (1) Find the unit-impulse response of the system, using the time-domain analysis method. (8 points) (2) Find the unit-step response of the system, using the time-domain analysis method. (7 points) 4. An electric network is shown as follows. Its element parameters are, respectively, given by L = 1H, C = 1F and R = 1. Solve the following problems: (1) Determine the voltage transfer function . (5 points) (2) Draw the pole-zero plot of the voltage transfer function in the s-plane. (5 points) (3) Find the impulse response of the system. (5 points) 5. The frequency response of an ideal lowpass filter is given by Its input signal is given by Solve the following problems: (1) Plot the magnitude and phase responses of the ideal lowpass filter, respectively. (5 points) (2) Is the ideal lowpass filter a distortionless transmission system? Why? (5 points) (3) Determine the impulse response of the ideal lowpass filter. (5 points) (4) Determine the filter output . (10 points) 6. Suppose that the state and output equations of a continuous-time system are, respectively, given by and Solve the following problems: (1) Plot the signal-flow graph of the system. (10 points) (2) Is the system completely controllable and observable? Why? (5 points)